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Angelo Gilardino

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  • Giorni Vinti


File pubblicato da Angelo Gilardino

  1. Angelo Gilardino, Endless Skies

    Angelo Gilardino (1941)
    Endless Skies (2017)
    In Memory of Matanya Ophee
    for Flute, Viola and Guitar
    David Norton, che ha commissionato il lavoro al compositore, generosamente offre partitura e parti gratuitamente a chiunque potrebbe piacer leggere e suonare l'opera.
    David Norton, who commissioned the work to the composer, generously offers score and parts for free to all those who might like reading and playing the work.

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  2. Angelo Gilardino - Passacaglia

    Uno spartito gratis per il mio prossimo, 76° compleanno
    “Passacaglia (Omaggio a Ottorino Respighi)”
    Composto nel 1984, questo pezzo appartiene alla terza serie degli “Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza”.
    Per gentile concessione delle Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, proprietarie del copyright, sono lieto di offrire il file della musica a tutti coloro che vorranno leggerla.
    A score for free for my forthcoming, 76th birthday
    “Passacaglia (Omaggio a Ottorino Respighi)”
    Composed on 1984, this work belongs to the third series of “Studi di virtuosità e di trascendenza”. 
    With the kind permission of Edizioni Musicali Bèrben, owners of the copyright, I am glad to offer the file of the music to all those who might be interested to read it.

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  3. Angelo Gilardino "Capriccio Etneo"

    Come annunciato, le Edizioni Musicali Bèrben offrono tre composizioni di Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/ Capriccio-Serenata /Yo, el Rey" per il download gratuito. I files sono pubblicati sul Forum Italiano di Chitarra Classica.
    As previously announced, Edizioni Musicali Bèrben (Ancona, Italy) offer three compositions by Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/Caprricio-Serenata/Yo, el Rey) for free download. The files are published on the Italian Classical Guitar Forum.

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  4. Angelo Gilardino "Yo, el rey"

    Come annunciato, le Edizioni Musicali Bèrben offrono tre composizioni di Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/ Capriccio-Serenata /Yo, el Rey" per il download gratuito. I files sono pubblicati sul Forum Italiano di Chitarra Classica.
    As previously announced, Edizioni Musicali Bèrben (Ancona, Italy) offer three compositions by Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/Caprricio-Serenata/Yo, el Rey) for free download. The files are published on the Italian Classical Guitar Forum.

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  5. Angelo Gilardino "A Quiet Song"

    Dal Live Journal del chitarrista americano David Norton:
    "A Quiet Song", to the memory of John W. Duarte
    It was two weeks ago today that the sad news arrived that the famous British musician John Duarte had passed away.
    For some months previously, I had been toying with the idea of commissioning Angelo Gilardino (known in LJ land as calatrava) with writing a new solo classical guitar piece for me. The news from London of Duarte's death spurred me to take action on this idea, especially considering that Angelo and Jack had been friends, and also that Angelo had published a number of Duarte's pieces with Berben Publications of Italy.
    In the remarkably short time span of 11 days, Maestro Gilardino has delivered a wonderful new work. Because it is important to Angelo and to myself that Jack Duarte's memory be commemorated openly, I am posting these files "for free download" (and hoping that my ISP doesn't pull the plug due to excessive bandwidth usage!!)
    Feel free to use and share these files as you wish. They are offered by Angelo and myself in the same spirit of generosity which John Duarte showed to so many.

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  6. Angelo Gilardino "Serenata-Capriccio"

    Come annunciato, le Edizioni Musicali Bèrben offrono tre composizioni di Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/ Capriccio-Serenata /Yo, el Rey" per il download gratuito. I files sono pubblicati sul Forum Italiano di Chitarra Classica.
    As previously announced, Edizioni Musicali Bèrben (Ancona, Italy) offer three compositions by Angelo Gilardino (Capriccio etneo/Caprricio-Serenata/Yo, el Rey) for free download. The files are published on the Italian Classical Guitar Forum.

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