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Sardinia Moving Arts

La manifestazione internazionale organizzata da Musicare e finanziata dalla Comunità Europea e dalla Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.
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  • Our picks

    • Dušan Bogdanović: Tumbas de sos gigantes
      La casa editrice Les Productions d'OZ con base in Canada, pubblica oggi il lavoro per chitarra sola Tumbas de sos gigantes di Dušan Bogdanović.

      L'opera è stata eseguita in prima assoluta a Rochester (NY) nel 2022 e replicata un paio di volte in Italia nel 2023.  È parte integrante del cofanetto Portrait of Sardinia distribuito da Brilliant Classics.

      La Sardegna ha una storia molto antica, in gran parte legata alla civiltà nuragica. Su tutta l’isola sono infatti sparsi i nuraghi (che venivano usati come case) e le tombe dei Nuragici. Questi monumenti preistorici risalgono a più di 4 mila anni fa. Vengono chiamate Tombe dei giganti, perché secondo la leggenda furono trovate al loro interno ossa enormi.  La struttura delle Tombe dei giganti è molto particolare: l’esterno è costituito da pietre conficcate verticalmente nel terreno e disposte a semicerchio, a richiamare la forma delle corna di un toro. Vista dall’alto la pianta ricorda sia il muso di un toro che l’utero femminile. Per i Nuragici il toro simboleggiava la divinità maschile ed era quindi simbolo di forza e potere, mentre l’organo riproduttivo femminile simboleggiava la nascita.

      Il brano Tumbas de sos Gigantes è una composizione che con i colori propri della chitarra descrive una delle sensazioni di profondo abbandono che si può provare nella visita a queste straordinarie costruzioni; all’atmosfera misteriosa e lontana che Bogdanovic ricrea con l’ausilio di un tema onirico e inafferrabile che dà origine all’intera opera, si alternano cristallini sprazzi di luce che tentano di sfuggire dall’oscurità  - Cristiano Porqueddu. Marzo 2021.

      Anteprima della prima pagina
      (C)2024 - Les Productions d'OZ
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    • English Suite No.3 Op.78, John Duarte
      Les Productions d'OZ pubblicano la English Suite No.3 Op.78 di John W. Duarte (1919-2004)
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    • A Night's Tale, Alfredo Franco
      La casa editrice canadese Les Productions d’OZ ha pubblicato la composizione A Night’s Tale del compositore piemontese @Alfredo Franco (1967)
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    • Reginald Smith Brindle: Solo Guitar Works  Vol. 1, Duilio Meucci
      La Naxos pubblica il CD di Duilio Meucci xxxxxxxxxxx, primo volume dell'integrale dedicato alla musica per chitarra sola di Reginald Smith-Brindle.

      Dal sito dell'editore:

      Although Smith Brindle composed a variety of works including an opera, he is best known for his guitar music. The poetic and lyrical Etruscan Preludes express the mystery of an ancient and lost civilisation, while the enigmatic El Polifemo de oro expresses poet and playwright Federico García Lorca’s attribution of occult powers to the guitar. From the beautifully expressive Nocturne to the extreme effects of Percussion Piece (from Guitarcosmos, Vol. 3), the sheer virtuosity of invention in Smith Brindle’s guitar music led Julian Bream to commend his diversity of style and clarity of intention.

      Reginald Smith Brindle, British composer and writer, born in Cuerden, Lancashire, studied various musical instruments throughout his life including the guitar, clarinet and saxophone, and later the organ. But his gifts lay particularly in the direction of composition and scholarly research. During the Second World War he served in Africa and Italy in the Royal Engineers. From 1946 to 1949 he studied music at the University College of North Wales, Bangor, before going to Italy to further his compositional work with Pizzetti and Dallapiccola, and Germani for organ.
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    • Sonata in D minor, John Duarte
      La casa editrice canadese Les Productions d'OZ pubblica la composizione Sonata in D minor Op.4 di John W. Duarte (1919-2004).


      La revisione è stata curata dallo scrivente basandosi sul manoscritto autografo fornito direttamente dagli eredi del compositore.
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    • Sonata "Saudade" per chitarra, Roberto Piana
      L'editore canadese Les Productions d'OZ ( @Eric Dussault ) pubblica la nuova Sonata "Saudade" per chitarra sola di cui ho curato la revisione.

      (C)2024 Les Productions d'OZ
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    • Dušan Bogdanović: In An English Garden
      La nuova composizione per chitarra sola In An English Garden di Dušan Bogdanović, è pubblicata da Les Productions d'OZ ( @Eric Dussault ) ed è disponibile in formato digitale (PDF) e cartaceo. 

      Descrizione dell'opera (dal sito dell'editore):

      Hommage au guitariste-compositeur anglais John Duarte, In an English Garden est un court triptyque néo-baroque basé sur un charmant fragment harmonique du deuxième mouvement de l’œuvre bien connue du compositeur English Suite. Le plan du Prélude est dans le style de l’Ouverture française et la Sarabande accompagnée du Double est calquée sur la Partita n°1 en si mineur de Bach. La citation « Assis dans un jardin anglais, attendant le soleil » est tirée d’une de mes chansons préférées de John Lennon, I Am The Walrus.

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    • Margola Chamber Sonatas With Guitar
      La casa discografica olandese Brilliant Classics pubblica il CD Margola: Chamber Sonatas  with Guitar dell'Ensemble Counterpoint composto da

      Piergiacomo Buso chitarra
      Marco Longhi chitarra
      Andrea Rinaudo chitarra
      Alberto Lauro chitarra
      Tommaso Maria Maggiolini flauto
      Marcella Mammone violino

      Tracklist dettagliata:

      Su Amazon:

      Dal sito dell'editore:
      Franco Margola (1908–1992) was an Italian composer who was active throughout the 20th century. During his lifetime, he dedicated himself to composing pieces for musicians in the academic sector, where he found fertile ground and was widely commissioned for both pedagogical and non-educational purposes. His career included various teaching and leadership posts at several Italian conservatoires, not least the Conservatorio di Musica ‘Arrigo Boito’ in Parma, where he taught composition from 1963 to 1975. Here, thanks to a collaboration with the guitar teacher Renzo Cabassi, he began to compose numerous works for guitar (approximately 250 opus numbers).

      Margola maintained a close relationship with the historic roots of his art form, and although he experimented with the avant-garde in his youth, he abandoned such tendencies in his more mature compositions. His works are characterised by a ‘rhythmic vitality, a “classical” phrase structure, clear diatonicism, and a frequent use of fourths and fifths that recall the elements of his early compositions.’

      The aim of this recording is to offer listeners a selection of colourful soundscapes that vary according to the different ensembles. The guitar is the star of this album and takes on new colours in combination with the flute and violin, as well as in guitar duos and trios. Margola’s sonatas often provide opening movements that are diatonic and atonal, followed by lyrical cantabile second movements that culminate in sparkling third movements evoking a medieval or baroque feel.

      The guitar trio configuration features some of the composer’s lesser-known works: Sonata (dC 281), the Sonata (dC 228) and Sonata II for three guitars (dC 234). The violin and guitar duo performs the Sonatina (dC 259) and Sonata (dC 754) (first recording). The one-movement Sonata’s affinities with the Sonatina indicate that it was probably a preliminary sketch for the latter piece, with which it shares tonalities and several melodic ideas. To the flute and guitar duo are devoted Sonata IV (dC 191) and Sonata II (dC 197). Finally, the last two sonatas on this disc (dC 661 and dC 662) are for guitar duo. The unpublished Sonata (dC 661) was transcribed from an old copy of a manuscript with several parts that were almost illegible, making the transcribers’ work a musical challenge that involved balancing notational accuracy with interpretive freedom, guided by a profound understanding of the composer’s musical language.
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