Cristiano Porqueddu Inviato 29 Marzo 2009 Group: Ammministratori Topic Count: 865 Content Count: 3658 Reputation: 227 Joined: 14/11/2005 Status: Offline Device: Android Inviato 29 Marzo 2009 Le Edizioni Orphee hanno recentemente pubblicato 21 Intermediate Etudes di John HallBiografia essenziale di John HallJohn Hall was born in Detroit, MI in 1955. He attended Detroit Public Schools and received his first intensive musical training at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. He is a graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit where he studied guitar with Charles Postlewate and Joe Fava and received advanced training in music theory as a graduate student under Dr. Richard Parks. A university instructor for over twenty years, he is currently on the faculty of Oakland University in Rochester, MI. and the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, MI.Informazioni e acquisto: OrpheeColumbus, OH 43235-1226TELEPHONE: (614) 846-9517FAX: (614) 846-9794EMAIL:
Matanya Inviato 1 Aprile 2009 Group: Membri Topic Count: 7 Content Count: 98 Reputation: 4 Joined: 12/12/2005 Status: Offline Inviato 1 Aprile 2009 Le Edizioni Orphee hanno recentemente pubblicato 21 Intermediate Etudes di John Hall Biografia essenziale di John Hall John Hall was born in Detroit, MI in 1955. He attended Detroit Public Schools and received his first intensive musical training at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. He is a graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit where he studied guitar with Charles Postlewate and Joe Fava and received advanced training in music theory as a graduate student under Dr. Richard Parks. A university instructor for over twenty years, he is currently on the faculty of Oakland University in Rochester, MI. and the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Informazioni e acquisto: Edizioni Orphee Columbus, OH 43235-1226 TELEPHONE: (614) 846-9517 FAX: (614) 846-9794 EMAIL: Grazie Cristiano per questo post. Una precisazione: questo lavoro è stato effettivamente pubblicato nel 2003, sei anni fa. L'unica cosa che abbiamo fatto recentemente è stata l'aggiunta di una registrazione completa di tutte gli 21 Studi, eseguiti dal compositore stesso..
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