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IRCAM - Progetto Biblioteca Digitale Musica Europea 2008


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IRCAM - Progetto Biblioteca Digitale Musica Europea 2008


Michel Fingerhut dell'IRCAM di Parigi cerca partner europei per un progetto di biblioteca digitale della musica europea.


Data di scadenza: 12 Giugno 2008

Informazioni: Michel Fingerhut:


Requisiti per aderire al progetto (indicati direttamente da Michel Fingerhurt):


J'essaie de monter un projet européen dans le cadre de l'appel actuel eContentPlus, auquel on doit soumettre la réponse le 12 juin. Ma proposition se base sur le développement du portail des ressources de musique contemporaine en France que j'ai effectué en 2007 (et sur lequel je continue en 2008), que je voudrai maintenant étendre au niveau européen, et à d'autres genres qu'uniquement la musique contemporaine. Je t'envoie ci-dessous la description actuelle du projet (que j'ai tentativement appelé D.LibEMus - A Digital Library of European Music - ou peut-être même D.LibEReMus, pour Music Resources in Europe). Je cherche des partenaires qui aient des bases de données concernant la musique et une partie de leurs contenus disponibles numériquement, que ce soit en local ou non. Est-ce que tu serais intéressé à participer et/ou connaîtrai un organisme italien disposé à le faire ?



Descrizione del Progetto D.LibEMus


A musical work manifests itself in a rich and complex web of resources (objects, information) consisting in much more than its recording: music scores, analyses, past and future performances and their documentation, its reception by the public; people (composer, librettist, performer, producer…) and organisations (orchestras, concert houses, conservatories…). It may also relate to other performing arts (dance, theater…) and domains (science, technology, law…). Currently, no search engine provides users with specific and efficient ways – minimal noise, minimal silence – to search for, locate and navigate in such resources outside of some specialized institutions, and retrieve them locally and, when available digitally, remotely.


The D.LibEMus project focuses on the interoperability of European archives, libraries and information centers holding a wealth of quality art music resources, on deploying a one-stop access point and serving as a gateway between them and the European Library. It will do so by harvesting relevant databases using a rich model to describe individual items, their interrelations and the access rights to their digital instances; its interface will be specifically tailored to this domain and provide for kinds of searches, browsing and personalisation a flat model can’t allow for. In turn, it will be harvestable by the European Library, by making available a repository of the relevant subset of its metadata in the required format.

The project will build on the successful experience acquired in the course of the 2007-2008 French contemporary music resource portal project (which currently holds over 100,000 records at the item level, out of which 20% are available digitally), using such standards as OAI-PMH and MODS, extend its vocabulary both in scope (other musical genres) and to allow for multilingualism, provide for tools and specifications allowing even small institutions to provide contents to the portal and canvasses for negotiating rights to put additional contents online.

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