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Scoperta una nuova opera di François de Fossa

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Luis Briso de Montiano ha recentemente portato alla luce in spagna, una composizione di François de Fossa:
Troisiéme Fantaisie Op. 10, Sur un théme de Beethoven.
L'opera è dedicata a Mademoiselle Sophie Vautrin e il tema Beethoveniano è quello dell' Andante quasi allegretto dalla "Serenade Op. 8".

Annuncia la scoperta musicologo Matanya Ophee:

> This is to announce the forthcoming edition of a newly discovered work
> by FranГois de Fossa:
> TroisiХme Fantaisie Op. 10, Sur un thЙme de Beethoven. This was
> discovered by Luis Briso de Montiano in a small school library in
> Spain, obviously coming from the nachlass of Dinisio Aguado. The
> edition, edited by me, will include a detailed introduction by Luis,
> in both Spanish and English, which will give all the details about
> this discovery. (In the collection, also FdF's opera 6, 11 and 15.)
> I am now putting the final touches to this edition and it should be
> out quite soon. The other FdF works will follow later. One dating
> difficulty, which I would hope can be solved by Erik:
> the work is dedicated to Mademoiselle Sophie Vautrin, whom, as we
> know, de Fossa married in 1825. The edition was published by
> Meissonnier with pl. nr. 466. According to DevriХs-Lesure, this would
> put it roughly in... 1825. So either DevriХs-Lesure is wrong, or de
> Fossa published this just before he got married. Any ideas would be
> welcome.
> The Beethoven theme used, by the way, is the Andante quasi allegretto
> theme from the Serenade Op. 8, which was, in the Matiegka arrangement,
> the very first edition I ever published.... FdF ignores Beethoven's
> variations and does a whole set of his own, 8 in all, ending with a
> lovely Viennese Waltz which Johann Strauss would be proud of...

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Che scoperta!!


Attendo impazientemente maggiori notizie e informazioni :!:


Disponibile. Fossa Op.10

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