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It is unfortunate that Maestro Angelo Gilardino jumped to a conclusion that I was responsible for a false attribution of my CD's performance to him while indeed I had ZERO responsibility in it -- I did not encourage it -- I did not support it -- I did not fail to do anything I could have done to stop it -- I did not even know about it -- and when I asked for a concrete reference of where it happened I was not given a single example or reference of a person who had actually seen a track circulating with the false attribution.


I do not use peer to peer networks myself. However, I did everything I could to track the problem. Found the source with Gracenote and had a long discussion with them and the bottom line is some Joe Blow, made the false attribution while scanning my CD and submitted it online. They have no legal responsibility to check with the producer. They can publish whatever is submitted to them by anybody. I didn't even know Gracenote existed. They took steps and immediately corrected the problem.


To assume that this was my responsibility implicitly or explicitly can not be farther from truth and to bash me and post personal details unnecessarily is not cool.


By the way, the website url that was posted by the maestro was not exactly correct -- it's a link which is completely unrelated to this discussion. My correct website url is and there is a page on this peer to peer subject -- I had to put it online because there was this negative, totally ridiculous and untrue accusation that was online and I could see people were running into it via search engines. The purpose of this message on this thread is also the same.


Needless to say I am extremely fond of Mr. Gilardino’s music and have all the respect in the world, as well as eternal gratitude, for him.

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It is unfortunate that Maestro Angelo Gilardino jumped to a conclusion that I was responsible for a false attribution of my CD's performance to him while indeed I had ZERO responsibility in it -- I did not encourage it -- I did not support it -- I did not fail to do anything I could have done to stop it -- I did not even know about it -- and when I asked for a concrete reference of where it happened I was not given a single example or reference of a person who had actually seen a track circulating with the false attribution.


I do not use peer to peer networks myself. However, I did everything I could to track the problem. Found the source with Gracenote and had a long discussion with them and the bottom line is some Joe Blow, made the false attribution while scanning my CD and submitted it online. They have no legal responsibility to check with the producer. They can publish whatever is submitted to them by anybody. I didn't even know Gracenote existed. They took steps and immediately corrected the problem.


To assume that this was my responsibility implicitly or explicitly can not be farther from truth and to bash me and post personal details unnecessarily is not cool.


By the way, the website url that was posted by the maestro was not exactly correct -- it's a link which is completely unrelated to this discussion. My correct website url is and there is a page on this peer to peer subject -- I had to put it online because there was this negative, totally ridiculous and untrue accusation that was online and I could see people were running into it via search engines. The purpose of this message on this thread is also the same.


Needless to say I am extremely fond of Mr. Gilardino’s music and have all the respect in the world, as well as eternal gratitude, for him.


Reza, exactly one message before your own above reported, there is a message of mine where I explain with leaving no doubt that I do not consider you as a responsible of the crime.



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Ospite Nicola Mazzon

whatsup...ho letto anche altri messaggi che hai lasciato in altri argomenti in altre occasioni...oh vuoi fare dell'umorismo scadente o sei proprio tu che non ci stai con la testa...

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whatsup...ho letto anche altri messaggi che hai lasciato in altri argomenti in altre occasioni...oh vuoi fare dell'umorismo scadente o sei proprio tu che non ci stai con la testa...


Si chiama "flamer".

L'unico suo scopo è quello di disintegrare le comunità virtuali o creare discussioni su argomenti che non gli interessano direttamente.


In ogni modo è stato bannato dal forum per aver ottenuto n.3 ammonizioni.

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Scusatemi: io proporrei la cancellazone di tutti i suoi messaggi poichè assolutamente inutili, anzi estremamente offensivi.


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Cancellare è una operazione da censori non gradita.

La sua eliminazione è più indicativa.

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Si Cristiano, hai ragione, scusa ma ritengo altrettanto sgradita la lettura di quei post così inutili ed offensivi.

Comunque accetto di buon grado la tua risposta.


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Cancellare è una operazione da censori non gradita.

La sua eliminazione è più indicativa.


Ecco quello che porterà questo forum ad essere un riferimento.

Nessun orientamento o ideologia alla base della gestione.


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